Dorie Clark said in her article on Forbes yesterday that the usual characteristics needed for a leader, such as integrity, leadership, vision (according to her reading about Annmarie Neal’s released book, ‘The Forthcoming Leading from the Edge’ - ASTD Press, 2013), are not enough to face the challenging environment of corporate world, so the new leaders need two essential qualities – one is ‘a record of failure’, so they will have the experience of hit rock bottom and get up on their feet when facing big challenges, what we can assume, constitutes the resilience as the power to absorb emotionally and intellectually the frustration of mistake and lost, and start again (specially learning from their mistakes.
The other
quality is ‘a liberal arts perspective’, an interdisciplinary point of view
(beyond the STEM skills – i.e.,
science, technology, engineering, and math, valorized as ‘the essential skills’
by business world), the perspective derived from humanistic disciplines,
usually seemed as “vague” or “ethereal” to build a solid leadership which needs
to the centered to make difficult decisions everyday, is now being discovered
and valorized in business world, specially by innovation markets. According to
Clark: “Leadership today is not about industry depth only,” she says.
“It’s about making connections across disciplines.” The ability to innovate –
like Steve Jobs, who famously toured India and studied calligraphy – “requires
the ability to see the world. You need to be a sociologist, a cultural
anthropologist, a political scientist, an economist. It’s back to the liberal

as anthropology, ‘deconstruct’ myths, patterns and common sense vision of what
we call reality in order to understand what lies deep down the surface and
expose the real reasons, values, and cultural drivers that creates this
‘reality’ (the consumer behavior, the criteria of choice, the use of products,
the relationship with the brand), so deep answers and reasons are bring to
surface, reasons not perceived before which leads to a plethora of new
possibilities and orientations for business decisions and strategies
development – that, the real path of innovation. Recognizing the drivers that
generates emotional influence and determine actions and reactions, these leaders
are more able, also, to inspire, motivate and solve conflicts among their work
leaders develop, in appropriation of the mentioned disciplines and their use on
business and industries, the real skills to develop what is expected of a
successful leader – the possibility of create real differentiation as the
essence of strategy – and they have been well succeed with that.
Brandini, PhD.
Anthropologist , Writer, Lecturer and Co-founder of
Xamã (Consumer Science Applied to Business)